Please enter the names and contact email of at least 2 (and up to 3) references. Referees should be professionally established at the level of independent investigator, principal scientist, group leader, lecturer or above. They should know you well, both academically and personally. Please do not ask classmates or postdocs to provide a reference. Only provide institutional emails.
Research experience
List at most two (past or ongoing) supervised research projects lasting at least 4 weeks, providing a brief description for each. Include the aims, methods, and results of the project, and make sure to clearly highlight your personal contributions. If none write NA.
List international publications (pre-print, peer-reviewed). Provide links.
Use the following format: Title – Author(s), Journal/Conference, Date. Link
Use this space to explain any significant gaps in your academic career, diverse career paths, or unique experiences that enhance your qualifications. This could include career transitions, personal circumstances, or achievements that don’t fit elsewhere in your application.
Use your own words. The motivational letter should highlight your scientific interests, your major experimental experiences and how they have prepared you for a PhD. Explain why you are interested in specific labs and what you hope to gain from during your doctoral studies that will contribute to your future professional goals.
Upload one single pdf file not larger than 20 MB with all the documents. If you have not yet completed your degree, please supply a transcript. If you have completed your degree, please supply a transcript and the degree.